segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2015

The Team

Name: Digiking
About:DC, Anime and writing fan, Digiking is the leader of this team and he is encharge of all kinds of content in this blog. He will write mostly opinion texts.

Nome/Name: Deadpool
About:Huge Deadpool and Marvel Fan, sports, video-games and comics lover. Deadpool will mostly post comics critics and recommendations. Already with some experience in video editing, he will be encharge of all blog's related videos.

Name: Moon Knight
About:Also a huge fan of Marvel, this LEGO and Star Wars lover, Moon Knight, will write opinion texts and recommendations. He is known for being really picky when reviewing games, series and comics.

Name: Santos
About: DC, Marvel, Anime and games fan. Santos uses his tablet daily which will allow us to also review tablet games and increase the compatiblity with the mobile version of the Blog. Also he will put curiosities about games and comics for the blog.

Name: EVA06
About: Anime fan, he doesn't really care about tv-series nor movies, because those two things don't give you gold or Experience points. Also a huge fan of Monster Hunter, JRPG's and Mangá. He also known for being a lolicon and addicted to Osu! Sometimes draws on his free time.

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