quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2015

FOX moving forward with a Fantastic Four sequel

The new Fantastic Four movie has been the target of controversy the since last week, and even Call me (Mr.) Geek itself made a review to the movie. FOX seems to be completely lost on what it should do with this franchise, but nonetheless Drew McWeeny of HitFix has revealed that the project for a sequel to the film, scheduled to hit theaters on June 9, 2017 (8 June in Portugal ), is still standing. Below you can read part the enterview:

"Everything I've heard would indicate that the studio will move forward with a Fantastic Four sequel, (...) it may not make that original 2017 date, but they're definitely planning to make it."

Now these are very surprising news even for the supporters of the idea, so tell us what they think of this revelation and, as always, stay tuned for more news!

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